Campus Ready Checklist
Please review the below checklist of important to-do items to help get you started as a student at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Checklist Items | Date to Complete |
Confirm your enrollment. In the application portal, submit the Decision Reply form to officially accept your offer of admission. After submitting the form, you will be required to pay a deposit that will be applied to the first semester's tuition and/or fees. The deposit is $300 for degree programs and $100 for certificate programs. This deposit will not be refunded if you do not enroll. Admitted applicants will also be required to submit final official transcripts and academic records to the Office of Graduate Admissions in order to enroll. Please note that these transcripts must be sent directly to Tufts University by the granting institution. Digital transcripts may be sent to Mailed transcripts may be sent by your institution to the following address: Office of Graduate Admissions | Immediately |
Set-up your Tufts email and obtain your Tufts Username (UTLN) and password. Students who are new to the university need a Tufts username (UTLN) and password to access our student information system (SIS). Your username and password will be assigned when you set up your Tufts email account. If you haven’t already done so, please go to, log in with the information you used to view your application and admission decision, and click the “Get Your Tufts Email” link to set up your account. | Immediately |
Contact the Student Accessibility and Academic Resources (StAAR) Center if you will need an accommodation. If you anticipate you will need an accommodation, please contact the StAAR Center at 617-627-4539, or visit the StAAR Center website. Please note, although it is the duty of the university to provide reasonable accommodations, it is the responsibility of the person with the disability to alert university personnel of the need for accommodations. If you are planning to request an accommodation, please do so early, so that we may provide you with the best possible service. | Immediately |
Review and register, if applicable, for student orientation resources. In coordination with various offices and departments across Tufts, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will hold various virtual incoming student events and orientations for incoming graduate students. Fall 2025 Orientation details coming soon! | Immediately |
For International Students: Connect with the International Center. Explore resources specific for International Students, including the International Center's Welcome Guide, and pertinent deadlines for the visa process. | Immediately |
Students register for classes through the Student Information System (SIS). Prior to accessing SIS, you will need to set up your Tufts email account and login credentials. Some programs require you meet with your advisor to review course selection and have them release an advising hold before you register for courses, while other programs do not have the advising hold and your advisor or department will review the course selection through an open house, group advising, orientation, or one on one meeting closer to the start of the term. If you have questions about registering for courses, please reach out to your advisor or Graduate Student Services. You will find your registration appointment and advisor in SIS. You can review step by step instructions about how to register for classes on the registrar’s website. Please contact Student Services with any questions about registration. | Due dates can be found on the Academic Calendar |
Complete all pre-entrance health requirements More information can be found on Tufts Health Service’s website. | Due dates can be found on Tufts Health Service's website |
Review the Health Insurance policy and if necessary, submit waiver. All undergraduate, international, admitted full-time graduate students, and admitted part-time graduate students enrolled in seven (7) credits or more of the coursework in a fall or spring semester in Massachusetts are required by law to have health insurance. On the dates outlined on Health Services’ website, all undergraduate, international, and admitted full-time graduate students will be automatically enrolled in the University’s student health insurance plan through UnitedHealthcare Student Resources (UHCSR); part-time graduate students, will be enrolled in the plan whenever registration reaches seven (7) credits or more of the coursework in a fall or spring semester. For more information on the student health insurance you can visit: | Please see the dates and deadlines on Health Service's website |
View and pay your eBill You can access your eBill by logging into SIS clicking the “Bills & Balances” tab, and then the link for eBill. Tuition and fees for graduate programs are available here. You can review payment options on the Bursar’s website. | Please see your eBill for payment deadline. Contact for questions about your bill. |
Complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling Students who applied for federal financial aid and wish to accept the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan that was offered must complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling. Both requirements can be completed at using your FSA login. You can find links and additional information on your SIS home page → Financial Aid → Awards and Documents. If you do not wish to borrow the loans you were offered, please email us at | By the billing due date |
Purchase your MBTA pass Discounted Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) passes are available for graduate students for the fall and spring semesters. The MBTA order form will be available on your SIS portal beginning December 9 and is due January 8. Please visit the Student Life website for more information about discounted MBTA passes. | View deadlines for purchasing passes |
Upload your Tufts ID card photo You can upload your ID photo here. Information about ID card distribution will be provided before classes begin. Please upload your photo now so your card will be available when you arrive on campus. | As soon as possible |
Complete Tufts’ Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training. This mandatory, 5-module asynchronous training is accessed by students on Canvas and covers the University's Non-Discrimination Policy, Sexual Misconduct Policy, affirmative consent, reporting, resources and support. | Deadlines will be communicated via email |
Consider a Tufts payment plan Tufts offers several payment options. Enrollment for the full-year and fall-semester based payment plans is open November through January 15th for spring semester plans and July through August 31 for fall semester plans. The first payment is due November 15th and July 15th respectively. Please note that if you sign up after the first payment is due, you will be asked to catch up on prior payments. Learn more and sign up. | Learn more and sign up |
Update your emergency contact and residential address in SIS Tufts University requires all students to have an emergency contact and a residential address listed as a “Current” address in SIS. Please log into SIS and add this information. Your residential address may already be listed as your home or mailing address but you will need to create a “Current” address type and enter your address there. This requirement applies to all students | Before relocating to Tufts |
Additional Resources to Explore
- Familiarize yourself with Tufts Technology Services for computer and email support
- Get to know Canvas, a platform for course sites
- Bookmark the Tufts Academic Calendar
- Learn more about parking at Tufts
- Familiarize yourself with Campus Resources
- If you need additional loan funding to pay your bill or to pay for living expenses, you can find information about the federal Grad PLUS and private educational loans at If you need help determining the amount you need to borrow or your loan options, please feel free to make an appointment with us.
- Get acquainted with our Medford/Somerville Campus and/or SMFA at Tufts Campus
- Get involved with the Tufts University Graduate Student Council