
Contacts by Program

Have questions about studies and life at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences? Our Department staff, faculty and the members of the Graduate Student Council are always available and happy to answer your questions. Whoever you email will be happy to answer your question, or put you in touch with a student, staff member, or faculty member who can.

We also welcome you to contact the GSAS Dean's Office at or 617-627-3106.

BiologyGeorge Ellmore, Department Vice Chair
ChemistryDebbie D'Andrea, Staff Assistant
Child Study and Human DevelopmentParastu Dubash, Program Administrator
ClassicsJaouad Elkamouss, Department Administrator
Data AnalyticsMaura McDonald, Program Manager
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice LeadershipTamar Slavitt, Program Manager
EconomicsDebra Knox, Interim Graduate Program Coordinator
Education: Art EducationPatricia Palmer, Lecturer
Education: Educational StudiesShameka Powell, Director of Educational Studies
Education: Elementary EducationBrian Gravel, Director of Elementary Education
School PsychologyErin Seaton, Interim Director, School Psychology Program
Education: STEM EducationJulia Gouvea, Associate Professor; Director of STEM Education
Education: Middle and High School EducationRyan Redmond, Director of Middle and High School Education
Education: Museum EducationCynthia Robinson, Program Director
EnglishNathan Wolff, Director of Graduate Studies
HistoryKhaled Fahmy, Director of Graduate Studies
History of Art and ArchitectureAmy West, Department Administrator
MathematicsFulton Gonzalez, Director of Graduate Studies
Museum StudiesMaura McDonald, Program Manager
MusicAbraham Brownell, Staff Assistant
Occupational TherapyJill Rocca, Recruitment and Admissions Coordinator
PhilosophyJaouad Elkamouss, Department Administrator
PhysicsElizabeth Hammond, Department Administrator
PsychologyRobert Kim, Department Manager
Studio Art (MFA)Laurel Nakadate, Director, Master of Fine Arts Program
Theater and Performance StudiesLindsey Cooke, Department Administrator
Urban and Environmental Policy and PlanningLaurie Goldman, Lecturer

Office of Graduate Admissions

The Office of Graduate Admissions offers assistance to graduate students in Arts and Sciences and Engineering on variety of administrative topics. You may reach them at or 617-627-3395.

Financial Services

Tufts Financial Services administers financial aid and student loans to all undergraduate students and federal aid for graduate students in Arts and Sciences, Engineering, and at the Fletcher School.

Graduate Student Services (Registrar's Office)

The Registrar's Office holds AS&E undergraduate and graduate student records and facilitates course registration and changes, degree certification, grading, transcripts, enrollment verifications, the Bulletin, transfer of credit and other functions as they relate to the student record.

Residential Life

Learn more about options for On-campus housing and off-campus housing through Tufts Residential Life.

Parking, Transportation and Public Safety

Purchase a parking pass, learn about other transit options around campus, and get acquainted with public safety initiatives at Tufts.