Teaching assistants (TAs) are resident students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences or School of Engineering who are paid a stipend to teach part-time at the university as part of their training.

Teaching Assistantships
Teaching assistants normally have full instructional responsibility in the recitation or laboratory sections of courses to which they are assigned, or they grade papers and examinations.
Appointments to these positions are based upon the recommendation of a student's department chair and are effective for one academic year or one semester, but are renewable.
International students are not usually eligible for appointments as teaching assistants in their first year of graduate work unless they have demonstrated proficiency in spoken English or they have received training at another American university.
All newly appointed teaching assistants are expected to attend the Teaching Assistant Orientation (held in early September) and Teaching Assistant Workshops (held throughout the academic year), both of which are organized through the university's Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT).
Learn about the GSAS Teaching Assistant Orientation
For more information on teaching assistantship opportunities at Tufts, contact your academic department of interest.
TA Resources
Graduate TAs may use or refer their undergraduate students to the following resources:
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Sample Teaching Assistant Agreement Form (PDF)
- Teaching Assistant Responsibilities (PDF)
- Teaching at Tufts
- Graduate Teaching Opportunities
- Canvas
- StAAR Center (Student Accessibility and Academic Resources)
- Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Counseling and Mental Health Services - FERPA Rights
- Consensual Relationships Policy