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Tonhi Lee

Assistant Professor
literature and drama of the English Renaissance; post-Reformation public culture; conversion; citizenship; migration and empire; classical reception; world literature; phenomenology of theater
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Frank Lehman

Associate Professor
Film music, chromaticism, Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century art music, ambient music, John Williams, Hans Zimmer, transformation theory, neo-Riemannian theory, the symphony, and music aesthetics.
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Paul Lehrman

Distinguished Senior Lecturer
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Gary Leisk

Teaching Professor
Mechanical Engineering
machine design, nondestructive testing
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Robert Lemke-Oliver

Associate Professor
Number theory
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Stacy Lennon

Part-time Senior Lecturer
Gordon Institute
Negotiation, conflict management and resolution.
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Richard Lerner

Professor and Bergstrom Chair in Applied Developmental Science
Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study & Human Development
The application of developmental science across the life span; developmental systems theory; personality and social development in adolescence; developmental methodology; programs and policies for children, youth, and families; university-community collaboration and outreach scholarship. Developmental Science
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Tama Leventhal

Professor and Department Chair of Child Study & Human Development
Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study & Human Development
Neighborhood and community context; housing context; family context; poverty and socioeconomic status; social policy; adolescence; immigrant young children
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Graham Leverick

Assistant Professor
Chemical and Biological Engineering
electrochemical energy storage and conversion, batteries, electrolytes
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Michael Levin

Vannevar Bush Professor
Morphological and behavioral information processing in living systems
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Peter Levine

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs
Tisch College
Political Theory, American Politics, Civic Studies
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Nancy Levy-Konesky

Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Romance Studies
Foreign language methodology; Second language acquisition; Immersion techniques; Curriculum and instruction: university/high school/middle school with an emphasis on interdisciplinary curriculum development, content-based learning, technology/video in the classroom, cooperative learning, blended and distance learning; Experiential learning/Community and service learning; Caribbean literature and culture with an emphasis on Puerto Rico
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Chunmei Li

Research Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
biomaterials for hard tissue regeneration, biophysical control of macrophage polarization
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Jinyu Li

Distinguished Senior Lecturer
International Literary and Cultural Studies
Chinese Language, Chinese Syntax and Language Teaching Pedagogy
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Sauro Liberatore

Kingsbury Fellow and Research Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Samuel Liggero

Professor of the Practice
Gordon Institute
New product development, technology strategy and innovation, digital imaging, technology trends, innovation.
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Brian Lilienthal

Senior Lecturer
Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
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Dave Lillethun

Assistant Teaching Professor
Computer Science
computer science education, distributed systems, operating systems, networked systems, software development, secure systems and networking
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James Limbrunner

Professor of the Practice
Civil and Environmental Engineering
hydrology, water resources systems, IWRM
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Yu-Shan Lin

Professor and Department Chair of Chemistry
Theoretical and Computational Biophysical Chemistry. The YSL Group aims to elucidate the structures and functions of biomolecules by integrating the power of advanced computations with the elegance of chemical theory. Our focus is to develop and apply computational methodology to significant biological problems that are difficult to address experimentally. Two major research projects in the YSL Group are (1) to understand and design cyclic peptides with desired conformations to modulate protein–protein interactions and (2) to elucidate the structural and functional roles of post-translational modifications and non-natural amino acids on protein folding.
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Joseph Litvak

Harriet H. Fay Professor of Literature
Victorian Literature Criticism and Theory Comedy Film and Cultural Studies
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Liping Liu

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning, Generative Models, Time Series, Graph Learning
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Marco Lo Presti

Research Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
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Penn Loh

Distinguished Senior Lecturer
Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning
• Solidarity economy movements and economic democracy • Community land trusts • Popular education, social movements, community organizing • Community and climate resilience.
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Patte Loper

Professor of the Practice
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
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Peter Love

Physics & Astronomy
Quantum Information, Quantum Simulation, Adiabatic Quantum Computation, Computational Physics Quantum information faces three basic questions. Firstly, what are quantum computers good for? Secondly, how do we build one? Thirdly, what will quantum information contribute if technological obstacles to constructing a large scale quantum computer prove insuperable? The first question is the search for problems which quantum computers can solve more easily than classical computers. The second is an investigation of which physical systems one could use to build a quantum computer. The third leads to the search for spinoffs in classical computation, and the question of where the classical/quantum boundary lies. I am interested in all three questions.
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Ying Luo

Research Associate Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine, Drug Delivery
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John Lurz

Associate Professor
Nineteenth- and Twentieth-century British Fiction, especially James Joyce and Virginia Woolf; Literary Theory: semiotics, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, phenomenology; Media studies and the history of the book; Roland Barthes; Proust
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Charlie Mace

Associate Professor
Bioanalytical and Materials Chemistry. To solve outstanding problems in global health, the Mace Lab applies a multidisciplinary approach combining aspects of analytical chemistry, materials science, and engineering. The primary goal of the Mace lab is to develop low cost, patient-centric technologies that can improve access to healthcare. To achieve this, the Mace Lab designs devices that improve the self-collection of blood and enable the diagnosis of diseases in resource-limited settings, and they are exploring ways the methods that are developed in the lab can used by others. Their main techniques leverage the properties of paper and other porous materials to integrate function into simple, affordable devices. Unique to laboratories in Chemistry departments, his group specializes in handling human blood and saliva. Technologies developed in the Mace lab have made the leap to clinical sites in Africa, South America, and the US, owing to their network of clinical, academic, and industry collaborators. The Mace Lab has broad expertise in assay development and device prototyping, which they apply to evaluating the efficacy of candidate therapeutics, performing separations that lead to new measurements, and making field-deployable kits for point-of-care testing. They have additional expertise in instrument development, phase separation in systems of polymers, and microfluidics.
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Zarin Machanda

Usen Family Career Development Assistant Professor
wild chimpanzee health and behavior, primate conservation, evolution of leadership
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Keith Maddox

Social Cognition, Stereotyping, Prejudice, Discrimination
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Chris Magnano

Assistant Teaching Professor
Computer Science
Computational Biology, Machine Learning, Network Analysis, Exploratory Analysis, Data Science Education
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Anne Mahoney

Senior Lecturer
Classical Studies
Classical tradition and reception; linguistics; ancient drama; ancient mathematics; Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit language and literature
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Magdalena Malinowska

Senior Lecturer
Romance Studies
Secondary language acquisition
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Srivalleesha Mallidi

Tiampo Family Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
Ultrasound imaging, photoacoustic imaging, multi-modality imaging, image-guided surgery and therapeutics, nano drug delivery systems
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W. Anthony Mann

Physics & Astronomy
Experimental high energy physics, elementary particle interactions, neutrino oscillations, neutrino-nucleus interactions, baryon instability searches. Design and execution of experimental measurements that reveal or constrain the existence of new elementary particles, that delineate the properties of known elementary particles, and that quantify the interactions and symmetries that govern fundamental energy systems of the subatomic realm.
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Danilo Marchesini

Leonard and Jane Holmes Bernstein Professor in Evolutionary Science and Department Chair of Physics and Astronomy
Physics & Astronomy
Astronomy; galaxy formation and evolution; extra-galactic surveys; active galactic nuclei; near-infrared astronomy Understanding how galaxies form and evolve means understanding how the tiny differences in the distribution of matter inferred from the cosmic microwave background radiation grew and evolved into the galaxies we see today. The working hypothesis is that galaxies form under the influence of gravity, and galaxy formation can be seen as a two-step process. First, the gravity of dark matter causes the tiny seeds in the matter distribution to grow bigger with time. As they grow more massive, the gravitational attraction becomes stronger, making it easier for these structures to attract additional matter. As the dark matter structures grow, they pull in also the gas, made of hydrogen and helium, which is the primary ingredient for the formation of stars, and hence for the formation of the stellar content of galaxies. The formation of the stellar content inside these dark matter structures involves many physical processes that are much more complicated and quite poorly understood from a theoretical perspective. These physical processes include, for example, how gas cools and collapses to form stars, the process of star formation itself, merging of galaxies, feedback from star formation and from active super-massive black holes. My research activity in the past decade has focused on understanding how galaxies formed after the Big Bang, and how their properties (e.g., the stellar mass, the level of star formation activity, the morphology and structural parameters, the level of activity of the hosted super-massive black hole, etc.) have changed as a function of cosmic time. Since we cannot follow the same galaxy evolving in time, we need to connect the galaxies we observe at a certain redshift (i.e. a certain snapshot in time) to those we observe at a smaller redshift (i.e., at a later time in cosmic history) in order to infer how the properties of galaxies have actually changed and what physical mechanisms are responsible for these changes. The better we understand the galaxy properties at a certain time and the more finely in time we can probe the cosmic history, the easier it becomes to connect galaxies' populations seen at different snapshots in time, linking progenitors and descendants across cosmic time. Ultimately, my research aims at understanding what galaxy population seen at one epoch will evolve into at a later epoch, and what physical processes are responsible for the inferred changes in the galaxies' properties. In order to do this, I have adopted two different but complementary approaches. The first approach consists of statistical studies of the galaxy populations at different cosmic times; the second approach consists of detailed studies of individual galaxies to robustly derive their properties.
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David Martin

Assistant Professor
Physics & Astronomy
- Extra-solar planets "exoplanets" - Planets in multiple-star systems, including circumbinary planets - Stellar populations and fundamental parameters - White dwarfs - Black holes - M-dwarfs - Stellar activity (spots and flares) - Celestial mechanics, including the Kozai-Lidov effect - Planet formation - Observational astrophysics
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Diana Martinez

Assistant Professor
History of Art and Architecture
American architecture history, global architecture history, post-colonial studies, materiality
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Sarah Mass

Assistant Professor
Britain and the World, urban history, history of capitalism, histories of multiculturalism
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William Masters

Food and Nutrition Policy and Programs
Economics and policy analysis for agriculture, food and nutrition
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Douglas Matson

Mechanical Engineering
solidification processes, thermal manufacturing, machine design, materials science